It was the third of September...
that day I'll always remember...
Passend zum heutigen Datum der Hit der Temptations: Papa was a Rolling Stone
Und mit dem heutigen Tag werden die Blog Einträge auch wieder häufiger. Der Sommer neigt sich dem Ende, die Abende vor dem Mac werden wieder häufiger ;-)
It was the third of September
that day I'll always remember
'Cause that was the day that my daddy died
I never got a chance to see him
Never heard nothin' but bad things about him
Mama I'm depending on you to tell me the truth
Mama just looked at him and said, "Son
Papa was a rollin' stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
And when his died
All he left us was alone."
Hey, mama, I heard Papa call himself a jack of all trades
Tell me, is that what sent Papa to an early grave?
Folks say Papa would beg, borrow or steal to pay his bills
Hey, Mama, folks say Papa was never much on thinkin'
Spend most of his time chasin' women and drinkin'
Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the truth
Mama just hung her head and said, "Son
Papa was a rollin' stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
And when his died
All he left us was alone."
Bei der Suche nach dem Lied bin ich auf diese Perle gestossen:
Bill Cosby mit Zigarre präsentiert The Manhattans - The Cadillacs - The Drifters - The Four Tops - The Temptations!!
Einfach grossartig! Das Video dauert 10 Minuten, ist aber jede davon wert.
Das Lied zum Tag...
Geschrieben von
Donnerstag, September 03, 2009
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